Walker The Ospey

Osprey on a branch.jpg

This is Walker, the male Osprey that makes up the popular Richmond Osprey couple Maggie & Walker. It is my favorite Osprey photo of all the ones I took last year. Maggie and Walker return year after year to the James River and make their summer home.

They both returned last week and have actively started building their nest. You can follow them all season on YouTube at this channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5FnNcBoKtA

James River, downtown Richmond, VA

Life Bird - Barred Owl

Went out looking specifically for these owls this weekend after being tipped off as their general location. Took a few moments, a text message and a phone call but as you can see we found them.

First time capturing Barred Owls in nature. I hope to go back in a few weeks and seek out their nest and hopefully babies.