Merganser Couple

First visit to Huntley Meadow Park was fantastic and will definitely be visiting again. Greeted by these two just at the start of the first pond let me know it was going to be a great day!

Blue-winged Teal -Life List

Blue-winged Teal are very unusual to see in Virginia, they usually migrate much further south but a small group has made Dutch Gap Conservation Area in Chester VA their winter home.  They have been maintaining a distance from the many, many birders who have flocked to DGCA to see them making it hard to get photographs but on this particular later morning I was lucky enough to see this beautiful female sunning, eating and swimming right off-shore near pier #1.  

Dutch Gap Conservation Area, Chester VA

Olympus OMD-EM1X,  Olympus 100-400 lens + MC-14

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