Female Red-winged Blackbirds

This week, a massive flock of Brown-headed Cowbirds, Starlings, and Red-winged Blackbirds descended on our bird feeders. They quickly emptied them, and I expected them to return over the next few days, but it seems they were just passing through. Interestingly, we’ve never had Red-winged Blackbirds visit the house before, and I’d never seen a female up close. What a stunning bird! It’s rare for the female to outshine the male in appearance, but in this case, the ladies definitely take the prize.

Color against drab skies - Pine Warblers

Some beautiful color against the grey of the day. I have loved watching the Pine Warblers scurrying around the last few days.

Killdeer Surprise Photos Shoot

Decided to stop by TCP on the way home this past weekend and was surprised to find Killdeer there. Great surprise as that was one of the birds I really wanted to get shots of this winter.